Kcal (545), of which 10.4% protein calories and 59% lipidic calories. Vitamines: A 910ug, D 16mcg, E 20mg, C 53mg, B1 0.6mg, B2 1.8mg, B6 0.6mg, 12 0.53mcg, K 21mcg, biotine 65mcg, folic acid 210mcg, panthotenic acid 3.1mg, niacine 5.3mg 1 sachets of 92g = 500 Kcal Plumpya nut was developed in 1996 by Nutriset and the IRD ( French Research Development Institute). It was the first Ready-to-Use Food intended specifically for the treatme
Kcal (545), of which 10.4% protein calories and 59% lipidic calories.
Vitamines: A 910ug, D 16mcg, E 20mg, C 53mg, B1 0.6mg, B2 1.8mg, B6
0.6mg, 12 0.53mcg, K 21mcg, biotine 65mcg, folic acid 210mcg,
panthotenic acid 3.1mg, niacine 5.3mg
1 sachets of 92g = 500 Kcal
Plumpya nut was developed in 1996 by Nutriset and the IRD ( French
Research Development Institute). It was the first Ready-to-Use Food
intended specifically for the treatment of severe acute malnutrition.
It corresponds to the definition of RUTFs (Ready-to-Use Therapeutic
Food), recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the home
a based treatment of severe acute malnutrition. This product is used
as a
PlumpyNut, a ready-to-use therapeutic food .
Plumpy nut is a specially designed peanut paste used for treating
malnourished children. It comes in ready-to-eat packets and is
bursting with energy, protein and all the goodness children need to
recover from malnutrition.
Each packet is a meal for a starving child. Just 3 packets a day for
3-4 weeks is enough to get a malnourished child back to a healthy
weight. Each packet costs just 60 cents, about what you would pay for
a piece of fruit.
So not only does it cost peanuts... it is peanuts!
PlumpyNut, a ready-to-use therapeutic food .
Plumpy nut is a specially designed peanut paste used for treating
malnourished children. It comes in ready-to-eat packets and is
bursting with energy, protein and all the goodness children need to
recover from malnutrition.
Each packet is a meal for a starving child. Just 3 packets a day for
3-4 weeks is enough to get a malnourished child back to a healthy
weight. Each packet costs just 60 cents, about what you would pay for
a piece of fruit.
92 g individual sachet [500 kcal]
Treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition
From 6 months
200 kcal / kg / day during 6 to 8 weeks
2 to 3 sachets / day / person
So not only does it cost peanuts... it is peanuts!
So not only does it cost peanuts... it is peanuts!
For children after 6 months of age
Plumpya Nutis specifically formulated for the nutritional
rehabilitation of children from six months of age and adults suffering
from severe acute malnutrition.
The invention of Plumpya Nut made home treatment/ambulatory or
outpatient care possible for severely malnourished children with an
appetite and without medical complications.However, the vulnerable
condition of severely malnourished children requires a health
practitioners prescription and regular medical check-ups.
PlumpyNut should not be given to people who are allergic to peanuts
or dairy products.